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Approved specifications for adopted ISPMs

Approved specifications for adopted ISPMs are posted below.

This web page was last updated on 2014-11-15. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact [email protected].

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العنوان Files Publications date
Specification 18 - Classification of commodities by phytosanitary risk related to level of processing and intended use En 01 مايو 2004
Specification 44 - Pest risk analysis for plants as quarantine pests En Es Fr 12 يوليو 2013
Specification 34 - Pest risk management for plants for planting in international trade En 07 يناير 2013
Specification 33 - Supplement to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms): Guidelines for the interpretation and application of the phrase not widely distributed in relation to quarantine pests En 07 يناير 2013
Specification 29 - The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management of fruit flies En 07 يناير 2013
Specification 40 - Irradiation phytosanitary treatments for annex 1 (Specific approved treatments) of ISPM 18 En 01 ديسمبر 2006
Specification 38 - Revision of ISPMs 7 and 12 En 01 ديسمبر 2006
Specification 35 - Trapping procedures for fruit flies of the family Tephritidae En 01 مايو 2006
Specification 24 - Post-entry quarantine facilities En 01 نوفمبر 2004
Specification 30 - Guidelines for the recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence En 11 مايو 2005
Specification 22 - Research protocols for phytosanitary measures (treatments) En 01 نوفمبر 2004
Specification 27 - Pest free areas for fruit flies En 01 نوفمبر 2004
Specification 17 - Debarking and bark freedom En 29 إبريل 2005
Specification 21 - Guidelines for regulating potato micropropagation material and minitubers in international trade
01 مايو 2004
Specification 28 - Areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies En 01 نوفمبر 2004
Specification 16 - Alternatives to methyl bromide En 01 مايو 2004
Specification 20 - Guidelines on sampling of consignments
01 مايو 2004
Specification 14 - Guidelines for formatting specific diagnostic protocols for regulated pests En 01 مايو 2003
Specification 13 - Phytosanitary measures for consignments in transit En 01 نوفمبر 2003
Specification 11 - Guidelines for equivalence En 01 مايو 2003
Specification 12 - Low pest prevalence En 01 إبريل 2003
Specification 10 - Pest risk analysis for living modified organisms En 01 مارس 2002
Specification 09 - Pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests En 01 مايو 2002
Specification 07 - Irradiation as a treatment for phytosanitary purposes En 01 مايو 2001
Specification 06 - Pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests En 01 مايو 2001
Specification 05 - Risk analysis for environmental hazards of plant pests En 01 مايو 2001
Specification 04 - Revision of ISPM 3 (Code of conduct for the import and release of exotic biological control agents)
01 مايو 2003
Specification 03 - Revision of ISPM 2 (Guidelines for pest risk analysis)
01 إبريل 2004
Specification 02 - Revision of ISPM 1 (Principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade) En 01 مايو 2003
Specification 32 - Review of ISPMs En Es Fr 12 يوليو 2013
Specification 53 - Establishment and maintenance of fruit fly quarantine areas within a pest free area in the event of outbreak detection En Es Fr 21 أغسطس 2014
Specification 39 - Suppression and eradication procedures for fruit flies (Tephritidae) En Es Fr 07 يناير 2013
Specification 31 - Revision of ISPM 15 (Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade) Es Fr
07 يناير 2013
Specification 54 - International movement of seed En Es Fr 07 يناير 2013
Specification 59 - Revision of ISPM 8 (Determination of pest status in an area) En Es Fr 10 أكتوبر 2017
Specification 66 - Audit in the phytosanitary context En Es Fr 21 فبراير 2018
Specification 58 - Revision of ISPM 4 (Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas) En Es Fr 07 أكتوبر 2015
Specification 64 - Use of specific import authorizations En Es Fr 02 مايو 2016
Specification 65 - Authorization of entities to perform phytosanitary actions En Es Fr 02 مايو 2016
Specification 62 - Requirements for the use of phytosanitary treatments as phytosanitary measures En Es Fr
Specification 67 - Focused revision of ISPM 12 (Phytosanitary certificates) in relation to re-export En Es Fr 28 فبراير 2018
Specification 71 - Annex Criteria for determining host status of fruit to fruit flies based on available information (2018-011) to ISPM 37 (Determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae)) En Es Fr 21 يناير 2021
Specification 61 - Revision of ISPM 6 (Guidelines for surveillance) En Es Fr 28 مايو 2014

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