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IPPC Official Contact Point

   Mr. Bhoj Raj Sapkota

   Joint Secretary (Plant Protection), Chief
  Plant Quarantine and Pesticide Management Center
  Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal
  Phone: +977-1-5441601
  Mobile: +9779849702794
  Email: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Preferred languages: English
  Website: https://npponepal.gov.np/
  Date contact registration: 10 Jun 2024

National Reporting Obligations
Description of the NPPO
Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions
Entry Points
List of Regulated Pests
Pest Reports
Organizational Arrangements of Plant Protection
Rationale for Phytosanitary Requirements
Pest status
Emergency Actions