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SPG 2017

Doc # Agenda # Title Files Publications date
01_ SPG_2017_Oct 02.2 Agenda En 05 Oct 2017
04_SPG_2017_Oct 11.2 International Phytosanitary Conference - Proposal to establish an IPPC format for a regular phytosanitary conference: The “International Phytosanitary Conference" - Kenya En 25 Sep 2017
05_SPG_2017_Oct_Rev_01 09.6 Trade Facilitation Agreement Action Plan En 28 Sep 2017
02_SPG_2017_Oct 03.1 Documents list En 12 Oct 2017
06_SPG_2017_Oct 11.3 Discussion paper on ISPM-15 symbol registration, plant health and IYPH - Bangladesh En 29 Sep 2017
07_SPG_2017_Oct 07.1 IPPC Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 En 29 Sep 2017
08_SPG_2017_Oct_Rev_01 09.4 Implementation of ePhyto project En 10 Oct 2017
09_SPG_2017_Oct 09.3 Promotion of the implementation of e-commerce En 05 Oct 2017
03_SPG_2017_Oct 03.2 Participants list En 12 Oct 2017
07_Bureau_2017_Oct 08 Progress on sustainable funding proposal for the IPPC work programme (FC, Bureau and SPG document) En 05 Oct 2017
Timetable and Venues of the IPPC events Oct 2017 En 05 Oct 2017
10_SPG_2017_Oct 09.2 Call for phytosanitary issues En 11 Oct 2017

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