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Save the date: 17th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union

Posted on Thu, 30 Jan 2025, 09:44

The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union invites the plant health community to register for the 17th Congress of the Mediterranean Pathological Union, which will be held from 6 to 10 July 2025 in Bari, Italy.

Titled: “New Phytopathology Frontiers of Research and Education for Plant Health and Food Safety”, the Congress aims to promote education and research to address new challenges of phytopathology and food safety, thereby raising community awareness and promoting a responsible, ecological, and sustainable future.

The Congress will facilitate scientific knowledge exchange, encourage dialogue among researchers, policymakers, industry, and other stakeholders in plant health, and promote stronger collaboration towards shared goals and objectives.

The IPPC Secretariat will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony, promoting the IPPC Plant Health Campus and seeking fruitful collaborations to advance phytosanitary capacity development.

Interested people can upload abstracts for oral or poster presentations in the dedicated area on the website, by 31 March 2025. Find more information here.

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