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Calls on Implementation and Capacity Development Activities

Call for experts to support the development of IPPC plant health officer training curricula and a learning platform

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for qualified experts to take part in a Working Group (WG) to develop plant health officer training curricula and support the development of a learning platform and relevant e-learning courses and guidance materials.

The curricula and learning platform will assist national plant protection organizations (NPPOs), regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) and the IPPC Secretariat to identify and develop appropriate training programmes that establish a baseline knowledge and common understanding of the Convention and the systems and processes for its implementation by officers who are involved in plant health roles or functions.

Additional information and instructions for submitting a nomination may be found here.

Deadline: Nominations are due 03 May 2024

Call for Implementation and Capacity Development projects


The IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) is reaching out to the plant health community to collect, consolidate and share phytosanitary implementation and capacity development (ICD) project information. This initiative intends to promote global ‘best practice’ principles, maximize research and development investment, promote project synergies, minimize duplication and facilitate networking opportunities amongst plant health professionals.

To do so in a structured way, the IC agreed upon a Strategy and Process on how the IC reviews and analyses Implementation and Capacity Development projects.To implement this strategy and process, the IPPC Secretariat is soliciting information regarding ongoing Phytosanitary projects at national, regional and global level.

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 31 March 2023

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-implementation-and-capacity-development-projects-2/

Call for experts and technical materials to develop an IPPC guide on risk-based import inspection

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting:

  • Nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in a Working Group (WG) to develop the IPPC guide: Implementation of risk-based inspection for imported consignments (2018-022)

  • Submissions of any existing technical materials relevant to risk-based import inspection

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 17 February 2023

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-develop-an-ippc-guide-on-risk-based-import-inspection/

Call for plant health tools and guidelines on the preparedness and response to pest outbreaks

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat invites National and Regional Plant Protection Organizations, international organizations, research centers, universities and the academia sector to share tools and guidelines to improve national, regional and global capacities for preparedness and response to pest outbreaks. The contributed tools and guidelines will be reviewed and assessed as part of the activities conducted under the Strengthening plant health emergency management capacities project and according to the procedure on contributed resources.

Deadline: Submissions are due 15 January 2023.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-plant-health-tools-and-guidelines-on-the-preparedness-and-response-to-pest-outbreaks/

Please get in touch with Camilo Beltran Montoya ([email protected]) for more information.

Call for Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) members

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting Nominations for regional representatives and experts to be members (and replacement members) of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC).

When considering nominations, please read through the IC Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure.

Nominations should be submitted to the IPPC Secretariat mail to:[email protected] by an IPPC Official Contact points or a Regional Plant Protection Organization (RPPO) . Clearly indicate in the subject line whether it is a REGIONAL IC NOMINATION or an EXPERT IC NOMINATION.

Please note that regional nominations received will be submitted to the region for selection through the CPM Bureau member. In contrast, expert nominations will be submitted to all CPM Bureau members for selection.

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 30 November 2022

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-implementation-and-capacity-development-committee-ic-members-1/

CALL FOR EXPERTS – To proofread translations of IPPC guides and training materials

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting:

Nominations for phytosanitary experts to contribute to proofreading translations of IPPC guides and training materials translated to either Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish, on an on-going, ad-hoc basis.


The purpose of this call is to establish a pool of experts for each FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) who are willing to proofread translated IPPC Guides and training materials on an on-going, ad-hoc basis.

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 19 November 2022

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-proofread-translations-of-ippc-guides-and-training-materials/

Call for Trainees for Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation facilitators training course

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in:

A Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) facilitators training course

The IPPC Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified persons to participate in the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation facilitator training course, under the project GCP/GLO/949/EU (“Strengthening food control and phytosanitary capacities and governance”) to be implemented in COMESA countries.

The project intends to conduct nine PCEs in nine COMESA countries. PCE facilitator trainees would be theoretically trained through virtual courses and a face-to-face course (planned around October 2022). The best trainees will be selected to conduct a PCE in a COMESA country in the following months.

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 12 September 2022

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-trainees-for-phytosanitary-capacity-evaluation-facilitators-training-course/

Call for experts for the Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems Steering Group

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to become a member of:

The Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems Steering Group (POARS SG)

The POARS SG will provide coordination, guidance, and advice on IPPC activities to develop and implement a Global Pest Outbreak Alert and Response System. The POARS SG will initially be established for two years. SG members are expected to be available to attend the POARS SG meetings face-to-face and/or virtually, as required by the work program to perform the functions outlined in terms of Reference (ToR). The timing of virtual meetings is expected to change, wherein meetings may sometimes be held outside of usual working hours given different time zones, so participants are expected to be flexible. Participants should also have a reliable internet connection and access to virtual meeting devices. The meetings will be conducted in English.

Deadline: Nominations and submissions are due 19 September 2022

Further details are available on the IPP athttps://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-for-the-pest-outbreak-alert-and-response-systems-steering-group/

Call for country case studies about contingency planning for quarantine pest outbreaks

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting case studies for inclusion in the IPPC Guide on Contingency planning for outbreaks of quarantine pests (2019-012).

Deadline: Submissions are due 07 March 2022.

This call is intended to solicit case studies that may be used to enhance content of the IPPC Guide to support the implementation of contingency planning of quarantine pests (2019-012). Case studies should focus on a particular issue related to contingency planning for outbreaks of quarantine pests and describe what the NPPO has done to prepare and respond to the challenges, including: outcomes, impacts, lessons learned and plans to enhance future activities related to contingency planning.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-country-case-studies-about-contingency-planning-for-quarantine-pest-outbreaks/

2022 Call for Implementation and Capacity Development projects

The Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) wishes to collect, consolidate and share phytosanitary implementation and capacity development (ICD) project information. Such initiative aims to promote global ‘best practice’ principles, maximize research and development investment, promote project synergies, minimize duplication and facilitate networking opportunities amongst plant health professionals.

To do so in a structured way, the IC agreed upon a Strategy and Process on how the IC reviews and analyses Implementation and Capacity Development projects. To implement this strategy and process, the IPPC Secretariat is soliciting information regarding ongoing Phytosanitary projects at national, regional and global level.

Deadline: Submissions are due 25 March 2022.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-implementation-and-capacity-development-projects-1/

Call for Nomination to the Second IPPC Virtual Technical Workshop on Phytosanitary Measures for Developing Contracting Parties under the Framework of FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is implementing a Global Project entitled “Strengthening the Capacity of Developing Contracting Parties to Implement the IPPC and its Standards under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme” (GCP/INT/291/CPR). Within this project, two IPPC Virtual Technical Workshops on Phytosanitary Measures have been scheduled for developing Contracting Parties.

The first IPPC virtual technical workshop was successfully organized in October 2021 with the active participation of over 50 attendees from more than 20 Contracting Parties in all five FAO regions, including Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America, and Near East and North Africa.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-nomination-to-the-second-ippc-virtual-technical-workshop-on-phytosanitary-measures-for-developing-contracting-parties-under-the-framework-of-fao-china-south-south-cooperation-programme/

Call for nominations to attend the IPPC Workshops on phytosanitary measures for developing contracting parties among the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries.

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is implementing a Global Project entitled “Strengthening the Capacity of Developing Contracting Parties to Implement the IPPC and its Standards under FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme” (GCP/INT/291/CPR). Within this project, two IPPC Virtual Technical Workshops on Phytosanitary Measures will be organized among the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries in 2021.

This call is soliciting nominations from the BRI countries representatives to participate in these workshops.

The first virtual technical workshops is scheduled from 25 to 29 October 2021 and will last five days with approximately 30-60 participants from English speaking BRI countries. It will be held in English. The second virtual technical Workshops is scheduled from 8 to 12 November 2021.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-nominations-attend-ippc-virtual-technical-workshops-on-phytosanitary-measures-for-developing-contracting-parties-among-the-belt-and-road-initiative/

Call for phytosanitary technical resources on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is calling for phytosanitary technical resources on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4), including guidelines and tools for diagnostic, surveillance, exclusion and containment measures, biosecurity implementation, emergency actions and response, contingency plans, simulation exercises and risk communication as well as Pest Risk Analysis.

The Capacity Development Committee (IC) has created an IC Team on Banana Fusarium Wilt (TR4) to develop a brief plan in line with the CPM Focus Group on Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems recommendations, compile information on TR4, and develop global materials for prevention, preparedness and response.

Deadline: Submissions are due 1st September 2021.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-phytosanitary-technical-resources-on-fusarium-oxysporum-f-sp-cubense-tropical-race-4-tr4/

Call for experts to assist the Working Group developing a Manual for ISPM 15 Fumigation Treatments

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to develop a Manual which will outline specific technical requirements and provide guidance for applying and verifying ISPM 15 fumigation treatments, both methyl bromide (MB) and sulfuryl fluoride (SF).

Deadline: Nominations are due 24 September 2021.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-assist-the-working-group-developing-a-manual-for-ispm-15-fumigation-treatments/

Call for country case studies about implementation of ISPM 15

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting case studies for inclusion in the IPPC Guide to support the implementation of ISPM 15 (2017-043).


This call is intended to solicit case studies that may be used to enhance content of the IPPC Guide to support the implementation of ISPM 15 (2017-043), this guide will help in the understanding of ISPM 15 (Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade).

Deadline:  Submissions are due 17 September 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-country-case-studies-about-implementation-of-ispm-15/

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting case studies for inclusion in the IPPC e-Commerce Guide for plants, plant products and other regulated articles in international trade (2017-039).


This call is intended to solicit case studies that may be used to enhance content of the IPPC e-Commerce Guide for plants, plant products and other regulated articles in international trade (2017-039), which is currently under development.

Deadline:  Submissions are due 10 September 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-case-studies-related-to-e-commerce-and-plants-plant-products-and-other-regulated-articles-in-international-trade/

Call for experts to develop the Guide on Contingency Planning (2019-012)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting:

  • Nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in a virtual Working Group (WG) to develop the Guide on Contingency Planning (2019-012).
  • Submissions of any existing relevant materials on Contingency Planning.
  • In-kind contributions such as photographs, videos, and existing e-learning materials to support the development of the above described resource(s).

Deadline:  Nominations and submissions are due 15 August 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-develop-the-guide-on-contingency-planning-2019-012/

Call for experts to develop the Inspection e-Learning course (2020-011)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting:

  • Nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in a virtual Working Group (WG) to develop the Inspection e-Learning course (2020-011).
  • Submissions of any existing relevant materials on phytosanitary inspection.
  • In-kind contributions such as photographs, videos, and existing e-learning materials to support the development of the above described resource(s)

Deadline:  Nominations and submissions are due 31 August 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-develop-the-inspection-e-learning-course-2020-011/

Call for experts to develop the Surveillance and reporting obligations, e-Learning course (2020-012)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting:

  • Nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in a virtual Working Group (WG) to develop the Surveillance and reporting obligations, e-Learning course (2020-012).
  • Submissions of any existing relevant materials on surveillance and reporting obligations
  • In-kind contributions such as photographs, videos, and existing e-learning materials to support the development of the above described resource(s).

Deadline:  Nominations and submissions are due 31 August 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-to-develop-the-surveillance-and-reporting-obligations-e-learning-course-2020-012/

Call for experts to establish and IC Team on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4)

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to take part in the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) Team on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4).

Experts should be available to attend the IC Team meeting, planned to be held virtually every months or as needed and tentatively scheduled from July 2021 until July 2022. The timing of virtual meetings will rotate and sometimes meetings will be held at unusual times, so participants will need to be flexible. Participants should also have a good internet connection, headsets and access to virtual meetings devices. The meeting will be held in English, considerations for interpretation may be considered, depending on the composition of the IC team and provided resources can be secured.

Deadline:  Nominations are due 11 June 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-experts-ic-team-on-fusarium-oxysporum-f-sp-cubense-tropical-race-4-tr4/

2021 Call for Implementation and Capacity Development (ICD) projects

The Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) wishes to collect, consolidate and share phytosanitary implementation and capacity development (ICD) project information. Such initiative aims to promote global ‘best practice’ principles, maximize research and development investment, promote project synergies, minimize duplication and facilitate networking opportunities amongst plant health professionals.

To do so in a structured way, the IC agreed upon a Strategy and Process on how the IC reviews and analyses Implementation and capacity Development projects.

To implement this strategy and process, the IPPC Secretariat is soliciting information regarding ongoing Phytosanitary projects at national, regional and global level.

Deadline:  Nominations and Submissions are due 25 March 2021

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-implementation-and-capacity-development-icd-projects/

Call for software applications to help plant pest surveillance activities

The IPPC Secretariat is calling for:

  • Software applications freely available online including mobile applications to help plant pest surveillance activities

In 2018 Call for Topics: Standards and Implementation, a new topic proposal ‘Smartphone APP to monitor Xylella fastidiosa for all relevant stakeholders and a mapping system to follow up on its global distribution’ (2018-023) was submitted which proposed development of a surveillance tool. The Task Force on Topics recommended this topic should be addressed by collecting these type of tools from the IPPC Community and posting them as contributed resources on the IPP and the CPM-14 (2019) adopted this recommendation. The Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) discussed this topic in the IC VM03 meeting in 2020 and agreed to issue the call focusing on software applications related to pest monitoring, and expand the scope to include all plant pests. Collected software applications will be considered under the Global Plant Health Surveillance programme.

Deadline: Submissions are due 31 May 2021.

Further details are available on the IPP at: https://www.ippc.int/en/calls/call-for-software-applications-to-help-plant-pest-surveillance-activities/

This web page was last updated on 2023-02-01. For further information please contact [email protected].

Título Archivos Publications date
Statement of commitment- Focus Group Pest Outbreak
24 Sep 2020
Nominee details and summary of expertise Form - IC Team TR4 (reinforcement) En 26 Jun 2023
Nominee details and summary of expertise form- Experts to develop a risk-based import inspection guide En 06 Ene 2023
Nominee details and summary of expertise - IC members En 10 Oct 2022
Criteria and procedures for reviewing and approving contributed phytosanitary resources for posting on the IPP En 27 Sep 2023
Nominee details and summary of expertise - Guide on Contingency Planning En 15 Jun 2021
Nominee details and summary of expertise - Inspection eLearning En 15 Jun 2021
Nominee details and summary of expertise - Surveillance eLearning En 15 Jun 2021
Nominee details and summary of expertise - e-Commerce Guide (2017-039) En 22 Oct 2020
Statement of commitment (IPPC)
13 Oct 2020
Nominee details and summary of expertise form - IPPC Guide on Pest Status En 25 Abr 2019
Nominee details and summary of expertise form - Focus Group Pest Outbreak En 24 Sep 2020
Additional Information - PRA eLearning En 22 May 2020
Additional information: Guide for Pest Status En 26 Abr 2019
Additional information for the ISPM 15 Implementation resource En 10 May 2019
Nominee details and summary of expertise form – ISPM15 Implementation Resource En 10 May 2019
Project reporting template (including sample template) En 31 Ene 2022
Trade Cases Template - Beyond Compliance Project En 29 Nov 2019
Nominee details and summary of expertise - IC Members En 16 Dic 2020
Case study Template: IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development En 17 Dic 2024
Form for the submission of Technical Resources En 03 Sep 2020
FAO Permission Request Form - Contributed Resources En 20 Mar 2020
Nominee details and summary of expertise form - eLearning Export certification En 22 May 2020
Additional Information - eLearning Export certification En 22 May 2020
Nominee details and summary of expertise form - PRA En 22 May 2020
Submission Form for IPPC Call for case studies on good M&E practices for national phytosanitary systems En 17 Jul 2020
Terms of Reference of the IC Team on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (TR4) En 14 May 2021
Nominee details and summary of expertise Form - IC Team TR4 En 14 May 2021
Nominee details and summary of expertise - Experts to develop a Manual for ISPM 15 Fumigation Treatments En 27 Jul 2021

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