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CPM Recommendations

During its regular annual sessions, many matters are put forward to the CPM for decisions or agreement of its members. These matters can have different levels of importance and different implications for CPM members. These matters include decisions or agreement on International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), short or long term procedural and administrative matters, and long term operational matters.

At the Fifth Sesssion of the Commision on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-5, 2010), the CPM was invited to consider the proposed way of recording and keeping track of CPM Recommendations including its decisions and agreements, based on the previous discussions in CPM-3 and CPM-4.

CPM-5, noting the scope of CPM Recommendations, agreed to revoke the ICPM-5 (2003) decision on the recommendation on the future of methyl bromide for phytosanitary purposes and agreed that it has been replaced by the IPPC Recommendation on replacement or reduction of the use of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure adopted by CPM-3 (2008).

CPM-5 also requested the Secretariat to:

  • review the remaining CPM or ICPM decisions (paragraph 19 of CPM 2010/3) with a view to updating them, if required, and to present them to the next CPM for approval as CPM-6 Recommendations, and,
  • publish the recommendation CPM-3/2008 on Replacement or reduction of the use of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure prominently on the IPP independently from the report of CPM-3.

IPPC Secretariat published the recommendation CPM-3/2008 on Replacement or reduction of the use of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure prominently on the IPP independently from the report of CPM-3.

The following table shows the complete list of adopted CPM-Recommendations:

Topic # Título Archivos Publications date
R-10 Reducción de la incidencia de plagas contaminantes asociadas a artículos reglamentados y no reglamentados para proteger los recursos vegetales y facilitar el comercio en condiciones de inocuidad En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 29 Jun 2022
R-01 Organismos vivos modificados, bioseguridad y especies exóticas invasivas En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 12 Jul 2021
R-09 Safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 09 Jun 2021
R-08 Preparing to use high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies as a diagnostic tool for phytosanitary purposes En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 12 Jul 2021
R-07 La importancia del diagnóstico de plagas En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 12 Jul 2021
R-06 Minimizing the pest risk associated with the sea-container pathway En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Jul 2024
R-05 El comercio por Internet (comercio electrónico) de plantas y otros artículos reglamentados En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
12 Jul 2021
R-04 Cobertura de las plantas acuáticas en el marco de la CIPF En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 12 Jul 2021
R-03 Reemplazo o reducción del uso de bromuro de metilo como medida fitosanitaria En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
12 Jul 2021
R-02 Amenazas que las especies exóticas plantean a la biodiversidad: medidas en el marco de la CIPF En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 12 Jul 2021

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