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Framework for Standards and Implementation

The Framework for Standards and Implementation is an online database of existing adopted standards, IPPC Guides and training materials, and published implementation review surveys and studies.
The database has been cross-referenced with the list of topics for standards, implementation and capacity development, and Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS).
The topics in the database have also been categorized according to the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030 key result areas. This online database is intended to help identify areas where standards and implementation resources still need to be developed and guide NPPOs and RPPOs in submitting topic proposals during the biennial Call for Topics.

Key result area Catégorie Normes Implementations
All NPPOs have effective pest surveillance systems in place for timely detection of new pest arrival and monitoring spread.
Developed Materials ISPM 29 Recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence
ISPM 26 (as revised by CPM-13, 2018) Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)
ISPM 22 Requirements for the establishment of areas of low pest prevalence
ISPM 10 Requirements for the establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites
ISPM 08 Determination of pest status in an area
ISPM 04 Requirements for the establishment of pest free areas
ISPM 06 Surveillance
ISPM 33 Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade
Participating in the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures of the International Plant Protection Convention
Surveillance Guide
Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Pest Status
Establishing and Maintaining Pest Free Areas
Surveillance and pest status determination
Emergency Preparedness: A guide for developing contingency plans for outbreaks of quarantine pests
Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4) of banana
List of topics Pest Free Areas (PFA)
Surveys and studies 2022-09 Baseline study on the successes and challenges of implementation of pest free areas
All NPPOs have strong capacities to monitor, detect, diagnose, report, and prepare rapid responses to pest outbreaks, so that these pests do not have major impacts on food supplies and they do not spread and thereby threaten other regions and trading partners.
Developed Materials ISPM 27 Annex 01 (2010) DP 01: Thrips palmi Karny
ISPM 31 Methodologies for sampling of consignments
ISPM 27 Annex 05 (2014) DP 05: Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Aa on fruit
ISPM 27 Annex 06 (2014) DP 06: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri
ISPM 27 Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests
ISPM 23 Guidelines for inspection
ISPM 19 Guidelines on lists of regulated pests
ISPM 27 Annex 08 (2015) DP 08: Ditylenchus dipsaci and Ditylenchus destructor
ISPM 17 Pest reporting
ISPM 27 Annex 09 (2015) DP 09: Genus Anastrepha Schiner
ISPM 08 Determination of pest status in an area
ISPM 06 Surveillance
ISPM 34 Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants
ISPM 27 Annex 02 (2018) DP 02: Plum pox virus
ISPM 27 Annex 03 (2012) DP 03: Trogoderma granarium Everts
ISPM 27 Annex 07 (2016) DP 07: Potato spindle tuber viroid
ISPM 27 Annex 04 (2014) DP 04: Tilletia Indica Mitra
ISPM 27 Annex 10 (2016) DP 10: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
ISPM 27 Annex 11 (2016) DP 11: Xiphinema americanum sensu lato
ISPM 27 Annex 12 (2016) DP 12: Phytoplasmas
ISPM 27 Annex 13 (2016) DP 13: Erwinia amylovora
ISPM 27 Annex 14 (2016) DP 14: Xanthomonas fragariae
ISPM 27 Annex 15 (2016) DP 15: Citrus tristeza virus
ISPM 27 Annex 18 (2017) DP 18: Anguina spp.
ISPM 27 Annex 21 (2017) DP 21: 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum'
ISPM 27 Annex 20 (2017) DP 20: Dendroctonus ponderosae
ISPM 27 Annex 24 (2017) DP 24: Tomato spotted wilt virus, Impatiens necrotic spot virus and Watermelon silver mottle virus
ISPM 27 Annex 22 (2017) DP 22: Fusarium circinatum
ISPM 27 Annex 16 (2016) DP 16: Genus Liriomyza
ISPM 27 Annex 17 (2016) DP 17: Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. fragariae and A. ritzemabosi
ISPM 27 Annex 25 (2018) DP 25: Xylella fastidiosa
ISPM 27 Annex 27 (2018) DP 27: Ips spp.
ISPM 27 Annex 26 (2018) DP 26: Austropuccinia psidii
ISPM 27 Annex 23 (2017) DP 23: Phytophthora ramorum
ISPM 27 Annex 28 (2018) DP 28: Conotrachelus nenuphar
ISPM 27 Annex 29 (2019) DP 29: Bactrocera dorsalis
ISPM 27 Annex 30 (2021) DP 30: Striga spp.
ISPM 27 Annex 31 (2022) DP 31: ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ spp. on Citrus spp.
Delivering Phytosanitary Diagnostic Services
National Reporting Obligations
Surveillance Guide
Pest Status
Surveillance and pest status determination
Phytosanitary Inspection
Emergency Preparedness: A guide for developing contingency plans for outbreaks of quarantine pests
Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4) of banana
The importance of pest diagnosis
Preparing to use high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies as a diagnostic tool for phytosanitary purposes
ISPM 17 / Explanatory Document (by Ian Smith)
List of topics Citrus leprosis virus
Psyllid vectors of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum
Pospiviroid species (except Potato spindle tuber viroid (DP 7))
Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli
Meloidogyne mali
Cronartium comandrae Peck
Pyricularia oryzae (syn. Magnaporthe oryzae) on Triticum spp.
Microcyclus ulei
Moniliophthora roreri
Amaranthus palmeri
Solanum rostratum
Revision of DP 5 (Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine)) Aa
Revision of DP 03: Trogoderma granarium Everts
Revision of DP 09 Genus Anastrepha
Revision of DP 25 Xylella fastidiosa
Revision of DP 27 Ips spp.
Spodoptera frugiperda
Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus
Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera correcta
Dickeya spp. on Solanum tuberosum
Heterobasidion annosum
Surveys and studies
A plant health emergency response system is in place that facilitates timely action against new pest incursions and supports countries with emergency response systems tools and knowledge.
Developed Materials ISPM 17 Pest reporting
ISPM 13 Guidelines for the notification of non-compliance and emergency action
National Reporting Obligations
Managing Relationships with Stakeholders
Participating in the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures of the International Plant Protection Convention
Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Pest Risk Communication
Emergency Preparedness: A guide for developing contingency plans for outbreaks of quarantine pests
Prevention, preparedness and response guidelines for Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4) of banana
ISPM 17 / Explanatory Document (by Ian Smith)
List of topics
Surveys and studies
Sustainable pest risk management options, such as systems approaches, are implemented widely to minimize pest impacts right through the production process and harvesting, and to minimize the need for end-point treatments.
Developed Materials ISPM 24 Guidelines for the determination and recognition of equivalence of phytosanitary measures
ISPM 14 The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management
ISPM 34 Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants
ISPM 35 Systems approach for pest risk management of fruit flies (Tephritidae)
List of topics Pest risk management for quarantine pests
Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood (Annex to ISPM 39: International movement of wood)
Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds (Annex to ISPM 38 International movement of seeds)
Pest Risk Management
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2016 Equivalence: A review of the Application of Equivalence between Phytosanitary Measures Used to Manage Pest Risk in Trade
All NPPOs have pest risk analysis capacity in place to identify and mitigate pest risks to crop production.
Developed Materials ISPM 32 Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk
ISPM 02 Framework for pest risk analysis
ISPM 03 Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms
ISPM 21 Pest risk analysis for regulated non quarantine pests
ISPM 16 Regulated non-quarantine pests: concept and application
ISPM 14 The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management
ISPM 35 Systems approach for pest risk management of fruit flies (Tephritidae)
ISPM 11 Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests
Pest Risk Analysis (PRA)
Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) Training Material
List of topics Pest risk management for quarantine pests
Reorganization and revision of pest risk analysis standards
Assessing the risk of introduction of pests with seeds
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2016 Diversion from Intended Use: Consideration of the extent of the issue
Pest risk prevention is integrated throughout the production, processing and trade chain of plants and plant products
Developed Materials ISPM 25 Consignments in transit
ISPM 23 Guidelines for inspection
ISPM 03 Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms
ISPM 20 Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system
ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates
ISPM 07 Phytosanitary certification system
Phytosanitary Inspection
Safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation
List of topics Procedures to maintain the phytosanitary security of consignments for export
Risk-based inspection of imported consignments
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2016 Diversion from Intended Use: Consideration of the extent of the issue
Contracting parties recognize the management of environmental plant pests as part of their responsibilities and work with national environmental sector agencies to support pest management programmes aimed at environmental protection.
Developed Materials ISPM 05 Glossary of phytosanitary terms (as adopted by CPM-18, 2024)
LMOs, biosecurity and alien invasive species
Threats to biodiversity posed by alien species: actions within the framework of the IPPC
Replacement or reduction of the use of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure
IPPC coverage of aquatic plants
List of topics
Surveys and studies IPPC Observatory Study 2012: Aquatic Plants and their Uses and Risks: A Review of the Global Status of Aquatic plants
IRSS Study 2016 The Biosecurity Approach: A review and evaluation of its application by FAO
IRSS Study 2017 Analyzing the benefits of implementing the IPPC: A review of the benefits of contracting party implementation
Contracting parties have mechanisms in place to control the spread of environmental contaminating pests on non-plant trade pathways (e.g. invasive ants on vehicles and machinery, or gypsy moth egg masses on sea containers and vessels.
Developed Materials ISPM 41 International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment
Sea Container Supply Chains and Cleanliness
Sea Container Surveys for National Plant Protection Organizations
Minimizing the pest risk associated with the sea-container pathway
List of topics Minimizing pest movement by sea containers
Minimizing pest movement by air containers and aircrafts
Development and implementation of regulations and legislation to manage phytosanitary risks on regulated articles for NPPOs
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2016 The Biosecurity Approach: A review and evaluation of its application by FAO
Mechanisms are in place to share adaptation strategies for responding to the impacts of climate change.
Developed Materials
Replacement or reduction of the use of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure
List of topics
Surveys and studies
Agencies with environmental and forest biodiversity stewardship responsibilities regularly access information and other resources managed by the IPPC Secretariat.
Developed Materials Managing Relationships with Stakeholders
List of topics
Surveys and studies
Antimicrobial Resistance
Contracting parties continue to improve their capacity to implement key IPPC standards which directly address the spread of forest and environmental pests, such as ISPM 15 on wood packaging materials and other such standards, to contain the global spread of pests which threaten forests, biodiversity and non-cultivated flora.
Developed Materials ISPM 11 Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests
ISPM 15 Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade
ISPM 39 International movement of wood
ISPM 28 Annex 22 (2017) PT 22: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for insects in debarked wood
ISPM 28 Annex 23 (2017) PT 23: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for nematodes and insects in debarked wood
Implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry
Regulation of wood packaging material
ISPM 15 / Explanatory Document (by Shane Sela, lead author, Thomas Schroeder, Matsui Mamoru and Michael Ormsby); (French and Spanish translations by NAPPO)
List of topics Heat treatment of wood using dielectric heating
Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood (Annex to ISPM 39: International movement of wood)
Surveys and studies
Commodity-specific standards with harmonized phytosanitary measures have facilitated and accelerated trade negotiations and simplified safe trade in plant products.
Developed Materials ISPM 32 Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk
ISPM 28 Annex 16 (2015) PT 16: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus sinensis
ISPM 28 Annex 17 (2015) PT 17: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis
ISPM 28 Annex 18 (2015) PT 18: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus limon
ISPM 28 Annex 19 (2015) PT 19: Irradiation treatment for Dysmicoccus neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus and Planococcus minor
ISPM 28 Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
ISPM 28 Annex 20 (2016) PT 20: Irradiation treatment for Ostrinia nubilalis
ISPM 28 Annex 21 (2016) PT 21: Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera melanotus and Bactrocera xanthodes on Carica papaya
ISPM 18 Requirements for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure
ISPM 33 Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade
ISPM 28 Annex 09 (2010) PT 09 (2010): Irradiation treatment for Conotrachelus nenuphar
ISPM 28 Annex 10 (2010) PT 10 (2010): Irradiation treatment for Grapholita molesta
ISPM 28 Annex 11 (2010) PT 11 (2010): Irradiation treatment for Grapholita molesta under hypoxia
ISPM 28 Annex 12 (2011) PT 12 (2011): Irradiation treatment for Cylas formicarius elegantulus
ISPM 28 Annex 13 (2011) PT 13 (2011): Irradiation treatment for Euscepes postfasciatus
ISPM 28 Annex 14 (2011) PT 14 (2011): Irradiation treatment for Ceratitis capitata
ISPM 28 Annex 01 (2009) PT 01 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Anastrepha ludens
ISPM 28 Annex 02 (2009) PT 02 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Anastrepha obliqua
ISPM 28 Annex 03 (2009) PT 03 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Anastrepha serpentina
ISPM 28 Annex 04 (2009) PT 04 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera jarvisi
ISPM 28 Annex 05 (2009) PT 05 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera tryoni
ISPM 28 Annex 06 (2009) PT 06 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Cydia pomonella
ISPM 28 Annex 07 (2009) PT 07 (2009): Irradiation treatment for fruit flies of the family Tephritidae (generic)
ISPM 28 Annex 08 (2009) PT 08 (2009): Irradiation treatment for Rhagoletis pomonella
ISPM 36 Integrated measures for plants for planting
ISPM 15 Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade
ISPM 28 Annex 15 (2014) PT 15: Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera cucurbitae on Cucumis melo var. reticulatus
ISPM 38 International movement of seeds
ISPM 39 International movement of wood
ISPM 40 International movement of growing media in association with plants for planting
ISPM 41 International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment
ISPM 28 Annex 22 (2017) PT 22: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for insects in debarked wood
ISPM 28 Annex 32 (2018) PT 32: Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis on Carica papaya
ISPM 42 Requirements for the use of temperature treatments as phytosanitary measures
ISPM 28 Annex 23 (2017) PT 23: Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for nematodes and insects in debarked wood
ISPM 28 Annex 24 (2017) PT 24: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus sinensis
ISPM 28 Annex 25 (2017) PT 25: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus reticulata × C. sinensis
ISPM 28 Annex 26 (2017) PT 26: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus limon
ISPM 28 Annex 27 (2017) PT 27: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus paradisi
ISPM 28 Annex 28 (2017) PT 28: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus reticulata
ISPM 28 Annex 29 (2017) PT 29: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Citrus clementina
ISPM 28 Annex 30 (2017) PT 30: Vapour heat treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Mangifera indica
ISPM 28 Annex 31 (2017) PT 31: Vapour heat treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Mangifera indica
ISPM 43 Requirements for the use of fumigation as a phytosanitary measure
ISPM 44 Requirements for the use of modified atmosphere treatments as phytosanitary measures
ISPM 28 Annex 33 (2021) PT 33: Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis
ISPM 28 Annex 34 (2021) PT 34: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica
ISPM 28 Annex 35 (2021) PT 35: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica
ISPM 28 Annex 36 (2021) PT 36: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Vitis vinifera
ISPM 28 Annex 37 (2021) PT 37: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Vitis vinifera
ISPM 28 Annex 38 (2021) PT 38: Irradiation treatment for Carposina sasakii
ISPM 28 Annex 39 (2021) PT 39: Irradiation treatment for the genus Anastrepha
ISPM 46 Commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures
ISPM 28 Annex 40 (2022) PT 40: Irradiation treatment for Tortricidae on fruits
ISPM 28 Annex 41 (2022) PT 41: Cold treatment for Bactrocera zonata on Citrus sinensis
ISPM 28 Annex 42 (2022) PT 42: Irradiation treatment for Zeugodacus tau
ISPM 28 Annex 43 (2022) PT 43: Irradiation treatment for Sternochetus frigidus
ISPM 28 Annex 44 (2022) PT 44: Vapour heat–modified atmosphere treatment for Cydia pomonella and Grapholita molesta on Malus pumila and Prunus persica
Market Access
Implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry
Regulation of wood packaging material
Internet trade (e-commerce) in plants and other regulated articles
ISPM 18 / Explanatory Document (by Guy Hallman)
ISPM 15 / Explanatory Document (by Shane Sela, lead author, Thomas Schroeder, Matsui Mamoru and Michael Ormsby); (French and Spanish translations by NAPPO)
List of topics Heat treatment of wood using dielectric heating
Requirements for the use of chemical treatments as a phytosanitary measure
Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation treatment for Chlorophorus annularis on bamboo articles
Irradiation treatment for all stages of the family Pseudococcidae (generic)
Generic irradiation treatment against all insects except Lepidoptera larvae and pupae
Irradiation treatment for Epiphyas postvittana
Irradiation treatment for Frankliniella occidentalis on all fresh commodities
Phytosanitary irradiation treatment of fresh commodities against Liriomyza sativa, L. trifolii and L. huidobrensis
Cold treatment of Drosophila suzukii on Vitis vinifera
Vapour heat treatment for Planococcus lilacinus
Irradiation treatment for all stages Aspidiotis destructor
Cold treatment for Zeugodacus tau on Citrus sinensis
Methyl iodide fumigation of Carposina sasakii on Malus × domestica
Combination of Modified Atmosphere and Irradiation Treatment for Trogoderma granarium
Irradiation treatment for Pseudococcus baliteus
Irradiation treatment for Paracoccus marginatus
Irradiation treatment for Planococcus lilacinus
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2012 The Internet Trade (e-Commerce) in Plants: Potential Phytosanitary Risks
Detections of pests in trade pathways are declining as exporting countries take more responsibility for managing the pest risk associated with exports, and importing countries report detections more quickly and more consistently.
Developed Materials ISPM 31 Methodologies for sampling of consignments
ISPM 28 Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
ISPM 27 Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests
ISPM 23 Guidelines for inspection
ISPM 20 Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system
ISPM 13 Guidelines for the notification of non-compliance and emergency action
ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates
ISPM 07 Phytosanitary certification system
Export Certification
Phytosanitary Export Certification System
ISPM 31 / Explanatory Document (by Carolyn F. Whyte)
List of topics Risk-based inspection of imported consignments
Surveys and studies
NPPOs have built capacity and been supported to establish phytosanitary export assurance and phytosanitary certification systems that are robust and are trusted by trading partners.
Developed Materials ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates
ISPM 07 Phytosanitary certification system
ISPM 45 Requirements for national plant protection organizations if authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions
ISPM 47 Audit in the phytosanitary context
Introduction to the International Plant Protection Convention
Resource Mobilization
Preparing a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy
National Plant Protection Organization: Establishing an NPPO
National Plant Protection Organization: Operation of an NPPO
Managing Relationships with Stakeholders
Export Certification
Phytosanitary Export Certification System
List of topics
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2020: Authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions: an overview of the current use of authorization by national plant protection organizations
The efficiency of administering phytosanitary certification systems has improved and the circulation of fraudulent certificates has been eliminated through electronic phytosanitary certification systems including the generic ePhyto national system and the global ePhyto hub.
Developed Materials ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates
ISPM 07 Phytosanitary certification system
Export Certification
Phytosanitary Export Certification System
List of topics
Surveys and studies
NPPOs have access to expert advice to enable resolution of bilateral trade concerns of a phytosanitary nature.
Developed Materials ISPM 01 Phytosanitary principles for the protection of plants and the application of phytosanitary measures in international trade
ISPM 20 Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system
ISPM 05 Glossary of phytosanitary terms (as adopted by CPM-18, 2024)
National Plant Protection Organization: Establishing an NPPO
National Plant Protection Organization: Operation of an NPPO
Import Verification
Market Access
Phytosanitary Inspection
ISPM 20 / Explanatory Document (by Alan Pemberton)
ISPM 05 / Explanatory document "Annotated Glossary" revised in 2024 (by Beatriz Melcho, reviewed by the Technical Panel for the Glossary)
List of topics Amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms)
Review of the use of and/or in adopted ISPMs
Surveys and studies IRSS Study 2016 Equivalence: A review of the Application of Equivalence between Phytosanitary Measures Used to Manage Pest Risk in Trade
NPPOs are able to meet regularly to deliberate on phytosanitary research and emerging issues and other matters of common interest.
Developed Materials Managing Relationships with Stakeholders
List of topics
Surveys and studies 2016-06 Global Emerging Issues: A report of findings from the 2016 IPPC regional workshops questionnaire
Contracting parties have legislation in place to enable implementation of ePhyto.
Developed Materials ISPM 12 Phytosanitary certificates
ISPM 07 Phytosanitary certification system
Export Certification
Phytosanitary Export Certification System
List of topics
Surveys and studies