Posted on lun, 14 Aoû 2017, 21:34
@ Mekki Chouibani - PCE Workshop in Guinea
At the request of the NPPO of the Republic of Guinea, a workshop was organized to conduct a Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) with the support of the STDF401 project, the IPPC and the FAO. IPPC Secretariat consultant Ana Peralta, together with Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) facilitator Mekki Chouibani facilitated the first PCE workshop in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, the 24 - 28 April 2017. The second PCE workshop followed, from 12 - 16 June 2017. The first PCE Workshop served tackle modules related to phytosanitary legislation and external environments of the NPPO. The second PCE application was purposed to three modules relating to organizational aspects of the NPPO, including mission and strategy, structure and process, and resources. The second workshop also touched upon methodological approaches in greater detail.
Using a participatory approach, the first and second workshop worked towards the overall identification of gaps, their causes, as well as strengths. Mekki Chouibani validated his training facilitating a total of 5 modules including the training on PCE methodological approaches. During the first PCE application the consultant and facilitator met with relevant Guinean plant health stakeholders including heads of several government ministries including the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture N Fama Conte as well as the Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce Fanta Cisse. The facilitators emphasized the importance of phytosanitary control, the close links between import and export controls, and the overall objectives of applying a PCE to identify gaps in national phytosanitary legislation as well as gaps in the NPPO s external
@ Mekki Chouibani - PCE Workshop in Guinea
The second PCE application involved again, a series of meetings with various ministry and section heads from key government departments. This included the Director General of the Agronomic Research Institute of Guinea, as well as the judge and National Director of Civil Affairs from the Ministry of Justice to further discuss Guinean law governing phytosanitary control and compliance with international treaties including the IPPC and the SPS Agreements.
During the course of both workshops participants were engaged, motivated, and expressed positive feedback on their experience of their first and second workshop applying the PCE. The Director of the NPPO for the Republic of Guinea together with Guinean NPPO colleagues, Ana Peralta and Mekki Chouibani discussed the programme for the third PCE application and future modules to be validated.
@ Mekki Chouibani - PCE Workshop in Guinea
For more information on the IPPC s PCE click here