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The IPPC Delegate Meeting with the Senior Officials of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences CAAS)

Posted on ven, 22 Jul 2016, 07:44

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The IPPC delegate had a meeting with the delegate of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) on 23 June 2016, in Beijing, China. The IPPC delegate, led by Dr. Jingyuan Xia (the IPPC Secretary), was composed of the core team members of the IPPC Secretariat and all the CPM Bureau members. The CAAS delegate, headed by Dr. Kongming Wu (the Vice President of the CAAS), and was consisted of over 15 senior officials in plant health research.

The Vice President Wu delivered a welcome address and a briefing on the CAAS; and the IPPC Secretary Xia made a brief introduction about the IPPC, the IPPC governing bodies, the IPPC Secretariat, the IPPC core activities, and the IPPC cooperation with China. The Experts from the Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI) of the CAAS made presentations on the Chinese National Strategy One Belt and One Road in relation to plant health, as well as on the research and development of the plant health in China.

There was a great deal of discussion regarding the IPPC project under support of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation in relation to the One Belt One Road Strategy. In particular, the CAAS officials noted that they would be working with two of the countries involved in the One Belt and One Road project to resolve issues on specific pests that have the potential to pose significant problems to agriculture production. Both sides strongly believed that building a sustained relationship would benefit for both organizations.

Before the meeting, the IPPC delegate received a tour of the PPRI-CAAS facilities as well as an overview of the various researches being carried out currently.

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