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Webinars, Workshops and Symposia

Archive of previous IPPC webinars

WorkshopWorkshop on “Boosting Agricultural Resilience: Novel plant pests diagnostic techniques"2024
Side EventCOAG 29 Side Event - Plant health: Why is it crucial for the success of One Health?2024
WebinarClimate Change Webinar series – 24-26 September 20242024
Courses2023 IPPC Call for Topics2023
CoursesNew IPPC guides and e-learning courses – key implementation and capacity development resources for the phytosanitary community2023
MeetingIC Meeting Open Session on Implementation and Capacity Development Projects 2023
WebinarWebinar on the IPPC ePhyto Solution in African countries2023
WebinarWebinaire sur la Solution ePhyto de la CIPV dans les pays d’Afrique2023
WorkshopWorkshop Series: Fusarium TR4 Diagnostic, Surveillance, Inspection and Simulation Exercises 2022
WebinarIntroduction to IPPC implementation: your questions answered2022
WebinarIC Meeting Open Session on Implementation and Capacity Development Projects2022
WebinarIPPC Webinar on the Standard Setting Procedure2022
WebinarHow to Strengthen National Legislation to Support Electronic Phytosanitary Certification in COMESA Countries2022
WebinarIPPC Webinar on Commodity Standards2022
WebinarWebinar Series: Fall Armyworm Training Material 2021
WebinarImplementation Review and Support System (IRSS)2021
WebinarFAO and COLEACP partnership: New training tools for pest risk analysis and export certification2021
WebinarRemote sensing to support plant health surveillance activities2021
WebinarPest Status, Surveillance and Systems Approaches: webinar on the new IPPC guides 2021
Webinar2021 IPPC Call for Topics 2021
WebinarSafe Trade: an SPS committee side event2021
WebinarFall Armyworm (FAW) prevention under the Framework of FAO Global Action on FAW control 2020
WebinarAuthorization of entities to perform phytosanitary actions 2020
TrainingTechnical Training on Banana Fusarium wilt in Cambodia2020
TrainingTechnical Training on Fruit Flies in Sri Lanka2020
SymposiumPest Free Areas and Surveillance symposium in Shizuoka, Japan2019
SymposiumChinese initiative One Belt countries symposium - Xi-An, China 2019
SymposiumChinese initiative One Road countries symposium -Nanning, China2018
Expert MeetingExpert Meeting – IPPC Monitoring and Evaluation - Wellington, New Zealand2017
DiscussionDiscussion on Analyzing the Benefits of Implementing the IPPC - Washington, D.C., USA2016
WorkshopCategorization of commodities (ISPM32) Pre-CPM11 workshop - Rome, Italy2016
DiscussionRound Table Discussion on indicators of implementation of the IPPC - Windsor, United Kingdom2013
SymposiumGlobal symposium on plant pest surveillance -Anyang, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Cairo, Egypt2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Yerevan, Armenia2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Hastings, Barbados2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Chiang Rai, Thailand2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Accra, Ghana2012
WorkshopRegional workshop for the review of phytosanitary surveillance in the context of ISPM 6 - Santiago, Chile2012
WorkshopPlant Health Risk Analysis workshop - Niagara Falls, Canada2005
TrainingTraining material on pest risk analysis based on IPPC standards2007
WorkshopWood packaging materials (ISPM15) workshops 2004
WorkshopInvasive species and the IPPC workshop - Braunschweig, Germany2003
Expert ConsultationExpert Consultation on the strength of measures for regulated pests which have a minor biological impact - Rome, Italy1998
WorkshopNRO Workshop Near East and North Africa Regions (NENA) - Beirut, Lebanon2019
WorkshopNRO Workshop Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Moscow, Bykovo, Russian Federation2018
TrainingNRO Workshop - Pacific - Nadi, Fiji2017
TrainingIPP / NRO training for the APPPC region - Pejin, China2016
WorkshopPre-CPM-10 Training - Rome, Italy2015
WorkshopNovember - Central African Workshop - Libreville, Gabon2013
WorkshopCentral African Editors Workshop - Libreville, Gabon2013
WorkshopAPPPC: Capacity Building in the Use of the IPP - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2011
WorkshopIPPC ePhyto South West Pacific Regional Workshop - Nadi, Fiji2019
Symposium 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2018
Symposium2nd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto - Incheon, Republic of Koreaa>2015
Symposium1st IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto - Vitoria City, Espirito Santo State, Brazil2012
WorkshopIPPC OEWG on Electronic Certification Workshop - Seoul, Republic of Korea2011