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Standards and Trade Development Facility


International Organizations Group

   Mrs. Marlynne Hopper

  Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF)
  Agriculture and Commodities Division World Trade Organization Centre William Rappard
  Phone: 0788507127
  Mobile: +41 788507127
  Эл. почта: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Предпочитаемые языки: English
  Веб-сайт: http://www.standardsfacility.org/
  Date contact registration: 08 Янв 2025
   Description/expertise Нажмите для отображения

*Established by FAO, OIE, WBG, WHO and WTO, the STDF is a global partnership that helps developing countries to meet international standards and access international markets by tackling SPS gaps, and promoting food safety, animal and plant health. Along with the Codex Secretariat, the IPPC Secretariat participates actively in the STDF both by contributing to the STDF's global coordination and knowledge platform and to the development and implementation of a wide range of STDF projects.


More information can be found on the STDF's web site http://www.standardsfacility.org/  



 The IPPC Secretariat focal point for this organization is Sarah BRUNEL ([email protected]).  This web page was last revised 2023-02-16.