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Posted on Wed, 21 Dec 2016, 10:23

To IPPC Contact Points,

This is an advance informal notification regarding the 12th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-12), which will convene in Incheon, Republic of Korea at Songdo, Convensia Center from 5 to 11 April 2017. The Official Invitation letters by the Director General of the FAO and by the IPPC will be dispatched only later in January 2017.

Please note that the local information paper has been posted at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/governance/cpm/ additional details on the travel, hotel and visa arrangements will be added at a later stage.

However please note that no travel arrangements should be initiated prior the issuance of the Official Invitation Letter by the Director General of the FAO.

As usually, please also note that registration and funding can only be considered after receipt of the formal nomination of the national delegation and the national authority s specific request for funding addressed to: [email protected] .

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